“Stewardship Week helps to remind us all of the power each person has to conserve natural resources and improve the world. When everyone works together with their local conservation district, that power continuously grows.”
-National Association of Conservation Districts
Erie Conservation District would like to invite your students to celebrate stewardship week with us by learning more about soil health and soil conservation. We would like to offer you free booklets and educator’s guides. Booklets are available in 4 levels: K-1, 2-3, 4-5, and 6-8.
Students can become further involved by participating in the Stewardship Poster Contest (hand drawn and digital ) open to students in grades K-12. Winners will be announced during Stewardship Week and will receive a prize. Winning posters will be sent to compete at the state level. Click here for poster contest rules and the entry forms, the theme’s logo, and a soil health powerpoint presentation.
To order booklets, please contact Angie Lorensen (ALorensen@eriecounty.oh.gov) via email with which booklets you would like and how many.
For further questions, you can contact via email Morganne Boppel (Mboppel@eriecounty.oh.gov). Our office number is 419-626-5211.