Perhaps you’ve heard of, maybe even experienced, what some have referred to as the ‘summer doldrums’. You know, those periods of time in July and August when nothing exiting is happening and those hot and lazy days of summer seem to be long and boring. Well, I’ve got just the cure for you boys and girls!
Consider spending “A Day on the Wild Side” at Winous Point Hunt Club on Thursday, July 25th! Get rid of your summer slump as you partake in “hands-on” activities throughout that day, fun things like canoeing, fishing, bird banding, archery, observing marsh life, and improving your marksmanship at the shooting station.
This annual event is geared towards youth who will be in the 6th through 8th grade this upcoming fall’s new school year. The cost to attend is just $20 and includes a t-shirt and lunch. New this year, the Ottawa Soil and Water Conservation District will be able to accept registrations and payment online!! To register online, go to their website at
Registration forms can also be downloaded here or printed from Ottawa SWCD’s website. The Day on the Wild Side is limited to the first 60 registered and it usually fills up fast, so get your registration submitted online or mailed in as soon as possible!
For any questions or more information that may be needed, contact Becky Simpson, Environmental Educator, at 419-898-1595 or Take the walk on this “Wild Side” of things this July!