CWD – Protecting Ohio’s Deer
January 11 2022 – As a result of the two positive cases of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) that were detected in two deer in Wyandot County in December of 2020, the ODNR Division of Wildlife increased their surveillance of Ohio’s deer herd throughout the 2021 hunting season. Monitoring for CWD still remains a priority today.
The ongoing sampling for CWD within the Disease Surveillance Area (DSA) in north-central Ohio has yielded a total of 5 additional positives through the start of gun season. Pending are the results on approximately 450 additional samples that were collected throughout the state.
Two of the five CWD positive samples were collected in Marion County, with the other three newly detected positives in Wyandot County. An updated map of all five positive samples can be viewed on the DOW website at wildohio.gov.
CWD sampling will also be conducted during the muzzleloader deer hunting season, as well as the remainder of 2021 archery season which ends on February 6th, 2022. CWD testing results will be updated accordingly and can be viewed on the DOW website. Decisions about DSA boundaries or additional deer culling, if warranted, will be made following the conclusion of the 2021-22 deer hunting season.
If you notice any deer exhibiting suspicious or non-characteristic actions (loss of fear of humans, lack of coordination, excessive drooling, listlessness, etc.), contact your county Wildlife Officer or your Division of Wildlife District office to report it.