Making Your Own Backyard Winter Wildlife Menagerie

by | Jan 16, 2025 | Education, Wildlife

You know the old saying, “birds of a feather, flock together”.  Well, they certainty have been doing that in my own backyard lately, ever since ‘ol man winter decided to stick around!  And they certainly have been keeping me busy, replenishing the bird feeders with seed, suet and such.  

A few furry friends have also been scavenging the feeders, as well as what acorns they can still forage.  One particular morning I counted nine squirrels (brown, gray and black!) scurrying around the backyard, to see who gather the most, the quickest!

It’s during these colder months that some of our wildlife visitors could benefit from the supplements we can afford them, with just a little going a long way.  Of course, the old standard are the backyard feeders that come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, conveniently offering a few high-calorie ‘snacks’ to our neighborly critters that’ll give them the energy kick they may need to survive the frigid north coast weather.

Another necessity is water, however the sub-freezing temperatures create a slight predicament.  Unless you’re going to heat the old birdbath, you’ll have to consider other options.  At some of the farm supply stores I’ve seen heating plates, heated bowls and other innovative means to keep water from freezing, one way of providing a convenient water source.

In addition to food and water, the other prerequisite for wildlife is shelter.  If you don’t already have them in the backyard, or the back forty, perhaps you could consider putting up a few bird or squirrel boxes.  And depending on your location – rural or urban – or what ordinances or stipulations your Homeowners Association (HOA) may have, something as simple as creating a brush pile or two can offer excellent shelter for all kinds of critters, at no extra cost!

For some neat ideas on how to create your own backyard oasis, a resourceful booklet was put together cooperatively by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the National Association of Conservation Districts, the Wildlife Habitat Council and the National Audubon Society, simply called “Backyard Conservation”.  Check it out for suggestions on things you can plant, build, or do to attract and keep wildlife coming back to visit, again and again!