Watershed Report Cards
Each year, water quality data collected by NERRS/ESWCD staff, volunteer stream monitors, and the local health department, to rate the health of three local streams in Erie County: Mills Creek, Pipe Creek, and Old Woman Creek. Although volunteer monitoring of these streams has been an annual event for since 2008, the report cards now releasing their 9th edition. Each report card scores several water quality parameters, such as sediment and phosphorus that can negatively affect a stream’s aquatic life if it exceeds a determined health threshold.
We are proud to announce that even with our last year’s COVID challenges; we will be releasing the 2020 Watershed Report Cards on March 22nd to celebrate World Water Day. Check out the Old Woman Creek, Mills Creek and Pipe Creek Report Cards at https://erieconserves.org/your-home/watershed-report-cards/. A special virtual presentation on the Old Woman Creek Watershed Report Card is open to public on April 2nd at noon as part of the Old Woman Creek NERR’s Brown Bag Lunch Series. This series features a new science topic the first Friday of the month from April through October (except July). If you interested in registering or want to learning more contact jennifer.bucheit@dnr.ohio.gov.