Ohio Landowner/Hunter Access Partnership
The Ohio Division of Wildlife (DOW) recently announced a brand new program known as the Ohio Landowner/Hunter Access Partnership (OLHAP). Similar to their Cooperative hunting program they have had in place for several years now, the OLHAP program goal is also to raise the level of hunter access to private property statewide! Both programs are voluntary however, the OLHAP program does provide a financial incentive (from $2 to $30 per acre) to an eligible landowner for allowing hunting on their property.
Signup for OLHAP is now underway with applications to the program being accepted through August 1st, 2021. Since this is a statewide program, the selection of properties will be determined through a ranking system, with points being assigned based on access size (number of acres offered), the percentage of wildlife habitat the property provides, and other potential bonus points.
Designed to provide additional hunting opportunities on millions of acres of private land throughout the Buckeye state, OLHAP will also afford the landowner a means to better manage the overall wild game population on their property! More information about the OLHAP program and/or rules that must be adhered to by a hunter who receives an OLHAP permit can be found on the DOW website.