H2Ohio has expanded to Erie County!
H2Ohio is now expanding to help reduce nutrient and sediment run-off from agricultural land in 10 additional counties. The program, which offers funding to farmers who implement proven conservation practices that limit agricultural phosphorus runoff from fertilizer, is now open to farmers in Seneca, Huron, Erie, Wyandot, Richland, Shelby, Sandusky, Marion, Ottawa, and Crawford counties.
Sign-up is open now and runs until September 15th for small grains and cover crops and October 15th for VNMPs only, with an additional sign up for more practices next Spring. In this sign up eligible farmers can get $10/acre to develop a Voluntary Nutrient Management Plan, $25/acre for planting an overwintering cover crop, and $35/acre for integrating a small grain such as wheat, barley or rye into their rotation.
You can learn more about this program by contacting your local Soil and Water Conservation District. Erie Conservation District will be hosting a final in-person meeting at the Erie County Services Center at 2900 Columbus Ave in Sandusky on September 8th at 6pm.
For more information you can visit ErieConserves.org or contact our office at 419-626-5211.