Hunting remains an age-old tradition. Even though another deer season is behind us – hopefully with some fresh venison in the freezer – another favored hunt awaits many of us as we anticipate the opening of the spring turkey season!
If a family member or friend has never introduced you to this incredible pastime up to this point, don’t let that stop you from starting your own tradition. Just know that the ‘welcome mat’ is always out for new hunters. It might just prove to be one of the most invigorating experiences you’ll ever encounter!
And hunting isn’t merely about filling a tag. As one young lady shared, rather it’s so much more. To her it was some of the best hours spent sitting out there in the woods, enjoying nature, and the fact that it made her “feel alive, grateful, and rejuvenated after a hunt…refuels my soul.”
Don’t know anything about hunting? No worries; Ohio’s Hunter Education Course will get you started down the right track, pun intended! During one of those classroom settings, you’ll learn about firearm and archery safety, outdoor survival, conservation, wild game management, hunter ethics, and so much more. By putting these precepts into action, you’ll be able to create your own cherished and lasting memories.
Two separate Ohio Hunter Education Courses will be held in Erie and Sandusky County, whereby you will be able to obtain your Hunter Ed certification card. On Sunday, March 3rd, the WR Hunt Club, located at 5690 CR 237, Clyde, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Another opportunity will take place at the Huron Township Conservation Club, 2121 Huron Avery Road, Huron, on Saturday, March 23rd, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
With seats being limited at both venues, pre-registration is highly recommended and can be made on the Division of Wildlife’s website under the Hunter Education webpage:
For more information or if you have any questions with regard to the Ohio Hunter Education Course, you can contact Tim White, Wildlife Specialist at the Erie SWCD office, 419-626-5211, or call the ODNR District Two office in Findlay at 419-429-5000.