Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), an always fatal neurological disease that affects members of the deer family (white-tailed and mule deer, elk, moose and caribou), has raised a lot of concern here in Ohio and in neighboring states, especially with regard to the potential of rapid spread.
Dr. Grant Woods, who is a renowned wildlife biologist and researcher, shares some very interesting and informative information about CWD in a new YouTube video, titled “The Truth about CWD”. During his talk, Grant speaks to this major issue that is now confronting a lot of concerned individuals, both hunter and non-hunter alike. He also shares a few tips as to how hunters can assist in the efforts to fight this disease. Watch the video here:
More information about CWD here in Ohio and what the ODNR Division of Wildlife is doing keep track of and try to control the spread of this deer disease throughout the Buckeye State can be found on their website: click here.